If you manage a team or individuals, or have yourself  recently participated in one of our Customer Service Training Courses, such as  De-escalation of Angry and Dissatisfied Customers or Face to Face Communication Skills for customer service staff; here are some great tips to help you reinforce their learning back in the workplace.

      3.  Interactive Workshops:

  • Conduct workshops that focus on practical exercises and group discussions rather than lecture-style presentations.
  • Explore different techniques for managing customer expectations and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Encourage Workshop participants to share their experiences and insights, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

     4.  Feedback Sessions:

  • Schedule regular feedback sessions where team members can openly discuss recent challenging interactions.
  • Provide constructive feedback on communication skills, problem-solving approaches, and emotional intelligence.
  • Use these sessions to address concerns and provide guidance for improvement. Use the M.L.D. technique mentioned in Tip 1.

Look out for more tips on how to embed  training including tips on how to encourage active listening and developing scripted responses.  Some courses which may be of interest to customer facing staff are:

Management Tip written by Stuart Harris – Developing People Trainer/Consultant and Customer Service Specialist