Helping Global Businesses
Your global business is facing unprecedented levels of challenge and complexity. The host of new social, technological, political, cultural and environmental changes and trends are having a profound effect on your business around the world. You need your global leaders to understand the changing business context and to think globally but act locally.
You need them to anticipate the range of potential global implications that local level decisions might have, and be able to work collaboratively across countries and cultures to influence and drive change.
As a global business you need a global learning and development partner that will understand your business environment and its global challenges, have the ability like you to think globally but act locally and quickly to deliver interventions in a consistent manner no matter where your people are located. Developing People International is the global leadership and management training provider of choice for businesses who are leaders in their field.
We have the capability to deliver our interventions in all the major European languages and the expertise you need to develop your global leaders and managers to deal with the unprecedented challenges and changes you face. Our international network of practitioners blend local country knowledge of culture and language with regional and global insight on the latest best practice leadership and management development interventions that are inclusive, engaging, integrated and business relevant. Our network allows us to rapidly respond to your most pressing international challenges cost effectively, without the barriers posed by time zones and international travel.
It is for these reasons that some of the world’s leading businesses such as Samsung, Lenzing AG, KAO Brands and IBM choose Developing People International.
To learn more about how we can develop people internationally to help you to create measurable change across differing countries and cultures and drive your business’ performance and growth globally, get in touch by calling ++ 44 1489 797197 or via our contact us page.