If you are moving into a new leadership role, your actions in your first few months can mean the difference between success and failure in the longer term.  Learn how to deliver quick wins that produce tangible operational and financial improvements by using the following tips below.

  1. Establish what your ‘A – item’ priorities need to be.  These are the major objectives you must achieve in the first few years in this role.
  2. Spend time with your team members (particularly if you are new to them), to understand them and their frustrations and barriers to doing a great job.
  3. Link 1) and 2) together and identify a business activity, area or process where early wins are probable and will support you to achieve your A – item priorities in the longer term.
  4. Initiate a project or projects in this area to secure swift success.  To gain immediate buy in try and incorporate as many of the ideas you have collected from 2) as practicable.

In addition, achieve these quick wins in a manner consistent with how you think your group or function should work.  For example, if you want to see more support, communication and collaboration, in your function, create cross functional teams to lead the projects you have initiated.  See our Training Courses page for the variety of inclusive, engaging and business relevant Leadership and Management online and face to face in house courses we offer including: