Whether people change is largely determined by why they change.  This means they are most successful at changing when they choose to change. This is where coaching a team member can create problems, because it’s often imposed (usually by their line manager) rather than requested by them.

However, by changing your approach, by truly thinking about them (and possibly less about yourself!) you will be a more effective coach and here’s how:

  • Tap into their intrinsic motivations.  It is important to recognise that as humans we love to be self directed and when we feel something is being imposed on us, even if it is ‘for our benefit’, we are likely to resist it.  When coaching a team member it is vital therefore that you tap into their intrinsic motivations and understand ‘what’s in it for them’.
  • Ask questions rather than provide solutions.  Asking questions will help your team member to come to their own solutions to their problems.  They will be much more likely to follow through on their own ideas than yours.
  • Get them to articulate what they will do and by when.  Coaching a team member is not a cosy fireside chat, It’s about helping them to do something different, therefore make sure they clearly articulate what they are going to do and by when .  To help them follow it through, ask them to confirm it via email.

Coaching is most effective when it aligns with your team member’s own motivations, enhances their ability and helps them to solve their own problems.  When it fails to do that, it is simply a management instruction and doesn’t work.

Our Coaching Your Team to Drive Perfomance course is designed to give delegates the skills to:

  • Create realistic but inspiring plans for improving their team’s performance.
  • Engage their employees in the development process.
  • Give employees feedback they’ll actually apply.
  • Use coaching to drive individual and team performance.
  • Balance coaching with the rest of their workload.