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Healthcare and NHS
We have a good understanding of the issues facing the NHS and Healthcare sector and have worked with NHS Trusts such as, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and James Paget NHS Foundation Trust as well as Denplan and Johnson&Johnson to develop their healthcare professionals and managers to inspire and engage their people to improve organisational performance and drive better outcomes for patients.
The NHS is the largest employer in the UK employing more than 1.7m people. Only the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the Wal-Mart supermarket chain and the Indian Railways directly employ more people. It has an annual budget of approximately £110bn which is around 10 times more (in real terms) than the annual spend on the NHS when it was first set up in 1948.
Drivers for change in the NHS and Healthcare sector include:
Demographic changes — including aging, chronic illness, and diseases of prosperity, and the need to redress the public versus private balance as governments explore new ways to control costs and change healthcare professionals’ behaviour.
Less reliance on hospitals and greater emphasis on shifting care into the community and people’s homes where appropriate.
Much greater integration of care, both within the NHS and between the NHS and other forms of care to improve patient outcomes.
Pay and reimbursement models that focus on outcomes, quality and cost-savings. Public and private sector partnerships will expand creating a larger market for the private sector.
- Further advancements in science and technology will make more personal, predictive and preventive healthcare available.As health solutions become highly customised, individuals will be segmented into ever-smaller groups, requiring tailored treatment regimes.
We can develop your healthcare professionals and managers to deal with these challenges and deliver a fundamental shift in the culture and performance of your organisation. We have the unique ability to deeply understand your organisation’s vision, strategy, and goals and to design development interventions that will deliver significant healthcare outcomes and benefits. To learn more about our work in this sector and the impact we have had read our Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust case study. Alternatively see how our other clients have benefited from our support by visiting What Our Clients Say.
"The Staff Grade & Associate Specialist (SAS) doctors who undertook the sessions arranged by Developing People were unanimous in their appreciation of the courses. They were professional, well-managed and timely. All courses involved a lot of interaction between candidates. This promoted communicating amongst ourselves more effectively, and self-reflection to allow for changes to our own practice that will hopefully result in all of us delivering better patient care. In addition, this self-reflection and changes to our own practice will result in improved job satisfaction for ourselves."
Dr Angelique Barkhuizen, Wolverhampton Hospital NHS Trust
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