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Energy, Utilities and Extraction
We have a good understanding of the issues facing the Energy, Utilities and Extraction industries, and we have worked organisations such as Nexen to develop their managers to inspire and engage their people to improve the business’ performance and drive competitive advantage.
The Energy, Utilities and Extraction industries are under ever increasing amounts of pressure as they face the challenges of climate change, security of supply, an ever changing economic and regulatory climate and population growth – all of which have significant impacts on energy infrastructure planning and long term strategy.
The drivers for change for many organisations include:
Energy efficiency policies and regulations will continue to dominate the market as companies and society strive to achieve increasingly challenging targets for reduction in energy consumption.
Exploring ways to succeed in a distributed-generation world as more homes and businesses buy less electricity from traditional companies instead opting to produce power from their own renewable sources.
Greater smart meter infrastructure will provide for real-time communication of energy data between customers and their service providers, offering an opportunity to better match energy supply and demand through real-time price changes, or dynamic pricing.
Wider use of social media as a customer acquisition and retention medium, for example by engaging consumers to participate in energy efficiency programmes.
- Finding ways to build greater trust with customers.Many providers recognise that they are treading water rather than seeing real improvements in their customer relationships indicating that customer growth and retention strategies will need to change.
We can develop your managers and staff to deal with these challenges and deliver a fundamental shift in the culture and performance of your business. We have the unique ability to deeply understand your business vision, strategy, and goals and to design development interventions that will deliver significant business benefits. To learn more about our work and the impact we have had visit What Our Clients Say.