Measuring Our Impact
Our strap line and mission is ‘Developing People to Drive Performance’ and as such we are committed to making a sustained positive impact on our clients’ businesses. We use robust evaluation systems to measure the impact of our work to make sure we deliver the best results for our clients.
There are a wide range of learning evaluation and measurement approaches available ranging from Donald L Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation model to Dr Michael Scriven’s key evaluation checklist. We have combined what we consider to be the most important elements of these models and have developed our own range of evaluation methods to suit specific clients and development situations. We have outlined these below.
Individual Impact – Self Evaluation. This is our most fundamental level of evaluation system and involves each delegate evaluating their own progress and the impact their learning has had on their performance and behaviour. At the start of the programme, delegates are sent a programme specific questionnaire and are asked to assess their existing knowledge on a numerical scale against key learning points. Three months following completion of the programme, the delegates are contacted and asked to rate their knowledge of the key learning points again and asked how their behaviour and performance has changed as a result of their learning.
Individual Impact – 360° Evaluation. This is our next level of evaluation system and includes the delegates’ boss, peers and team in the process of evaluating the change in an individual’s performance and behaviour. At the start of the programme, the delegates and their reviewers are sent a programme specific questionnaire and are asked to assess the delegate’s knowledge, performance and behaviour on a numerical scale against key learning points. Three months following completion of the programme, the delegates and reviewers are contacted and asked to rate the performance and behaviour of the delegates again to measure how their performance and behaviour has changed as a result of their learning.
Team Impact Evaluation – This is our next level of evaluation system and measures the impact of our development work on the performance and behaviour of a particular business function or team and consist of two mechanisms:
Team Barometer. At the start of the programme, we ask team members to complete our Team Barometer which measures the ‘atmosphere’ in the team (i.e. behaviour and performance).Three months following completion of the programme, the team members are contacted and asked to complete our Team Barometer again to determine how the team’s behaviour has changed as a result of their learning.
- Team Performance Measures. At the start of the programme, we will map and agree with you what team performance measures will improve as a result of our development work with you.We will then baseline these measures with you before the start of the programme. We will then monitor these with the team for a period up to 6 months after completion of the programme to measure the impact our development work has had on the team or function.
Business Impact Evaluation. This is our highest level of evaluation system and measures the impact of our work on the performance of the business. At the start of the programme, we will map and agree with you what organisational and business measures (or key performance indicators) will improve as a result of our development work with you. We will then baseline these measures with you before the start of the programme. We monitor these with the business for a period up to 9 months after completion of the programme to measure the impact our development work has had on the business.
No matter what outcomes you need, you can be assured that we will be able to measure the return on investment you have made with us.