An organisations strategic vision defines what the organisation wants to be and where it wants to go. An effective strategy guides the decisions made that affect the direction of the organisation.
In order to deliver the strategy it is necessary for managers to incorporate the vision into their plans and day to day operations.
Often the best strategic plans fail either because managers do not develop concrete action plans for delivering the plan, or because they are too bogged down in day to day details and lose site of the big picture.
To develop more effective strategic plans managers should:
- Check to ensure their own teams targets are congruent with the organisations.
- Rank targets to identify the top 2 or 3 that will have the greatest impact in delivering the strategic plan.
- Define their goals clearly and the roles of their staff in achieving them.Who is going to deliver what?
- Determine key results areas and identify the steps required to achieve these results.
- Develop measures to track progress to enable managers to know when they have reached their targets.
- Document their plans in a clear format that can be seen by the whole team.However, what should a manager do if the organisations strategy is unclear or doesn’t exist? The answer is simple – prepare their own mini strategic plan for their team/function.
For example managers should:
- Be clear with their team what the purpose of the team/function is.
- Develop a number of targets/goals that will improve the performance of the team over the following 12 months.
- Create a plan to deliver the targets/goals set out above.At the end of the day a significant part of a manager’s role is to plan for the future and more than ever it is time for managers to lead from the front.