Imagine you own a plumbing or electrical contracting business and you buy each craftsman an expensive set of new tools so they have everything needed to do the job properly.
But it turns out the craftsmen only know how to use the screwdrivers and spanners, so it takes much longer to do each job than you had planned. Not to mention that most of the shiny new tools never came our of their box!
This is pretty much what happens in offices around the UK, research suggests, where staff say they lack skills to operate some of the expensive IT systems employers are investing in, and managers have not been given the appropriate management training to manage their staff!
Just 40 per cent of computer users have received any IT training while 90 per cent of new jobs now require IT skills, according to a survey from E-Skills UK., a not-for-profit , employer-led organisation, for the IT & Telecoms sector. The survey also found that most employers believe that IT is a key driver of productivity.
Dave Marchant from Developing People believes that a similar analogy can be found with first time managers. ‘How many people have been promoted to team leader or supervisor without any relevant management training? It is ridiculous when you think about it. Just because they were the best person ‘on the line’ or ‘in the team’, doesn’t make the best manager!’
First line management training is essential for people taking their first steps into management. It provides them with the skills, confidence, and tools to do the job. As a minimum, new team leaders should attend a management training programme that covers topics such as:
- Understanding motivation and leading others.
- Relationship and people management skills.
- Managing performance and discipline.
- Team development.
Providing the appropriate management training for your first time managers will give them the best possible chance of success.